the garden explodes... in a good way

At the edible garden tour on Saturday, I was giving out samples of our dried zucchini slices. Seems popular enough that people are asking for the recipe. This was done using our Excalibur Food Dryer... which I love!

Dried Zucchini Slices

I warmed 1/2 cup honey in a small pan, added about 2 Tbsp wasabi and 2 Tbsp gluten-free soy sauce. Stir just until nicely mixed and remove from heat.
Slice 7 zucchinis into 1/4" slices and marinate them in the sauce overnight. Make sure you stir this up really well so the marinade goes on all the surfaces.
In the morning drain the slices and lay them out on the dryer racks. I dried them at 125F for just about a day, or until dry and rubbery.

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